Melisa at 23 weeks |
I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted a note on this blog. Most of the time since the last post has been training, recovering, thinking about what I ate, what I'm going to eat, sleeping, thinking of when I'm going to get more sleep, how many calories I've burned, how much power I'm generating (or more likely, not generating), etc..... And while doing all of this, I've been thoroughly focused and distracted at the same time. What do I mean? Well, the thought of having a "boy" in October has my mind completely preoccupied. (Oh yea, small note- Melisa is expecting our first child in October!!)
The thought of a child on the way has completely changed everything I think about and how I process even the smallest everyday decisions. Maybe that's overstating it (which in time may pass), but as I wind up my training for L'Etape over the next couple of weeks, I catch myself thinking about the following- I'm simultaneously riding at my best, feeling extremely fit, and yet, I'm completely terrified of what might happen if I crash and get injured. (I guess that's what life insurance is for, right?) I mean, I've crashed, broken bones, torn tendons, had chunks of flesh ripped from my body all in the name of self-indulgent "fun", never once going into any of those activities nervous about the outcome. As a good friend of mine used to repeat over and over when we were growing up (and when we were doing stupid things), "Hesitation Kills". I've kept that motto in my mind for years and, for the most part, it's treated me pretty well and kept me (conversely & ironically) "safe". However, now I find myself questioning that "theory". Has Melisa's pregnancy shifted the laws of physics and thus the theory, or is it just my brain playing games? On a conscious level I know the answer to that, but....

Anyway, getting back to the matter at hand, training has been going well. Got myself a new, Fizik saddle-
The Antares. I've had long Saturday rides now for many weeks that go 6 hours in length. This saddle has made all the difference in the world, literally. My butt has found its match (thankfully). This IS the last 12 hour week of heavy training- next week is 9 hours and the week leading up to the event a mere 3 hours. (Can't wait!!) As part of the next blog, I'm going to lay out all of my clothing and nutrition products. This is my selfish way of forcing myself to get organized about what I'm going to wear and eat. So, once I post it, I'll have gotten that portion of prep out of the way. Thanks. Having said that, it's been months and months of trying out things that have worked (and many that haven't). I feel it only fitting to give major props to the products (and their makers) that have supported me in this effort (and for some products, over many years). Until then...
Just wait.... having kids will change your life in ways you can imagine! But in a good way.